Beef tenderloin

Small, thin, lean, incredibly tender muscles located on either side of the backbone, tenderloins are the most prized cut on the entire animal. Their buttery tenderness is legendary and people are willing to pay very high prices for tenderloin roasts & filet mignon steaks. This cut has a relatively mild flavor (though grass-fed tenderloins are more flavorful than grain-fed ones), so tenderloin roasts & steaks are frequently paired with sauces that add moisture & additional flavor. One of the fancier classical roast recipes, Beef Wellington, is traditionally made with beef tenderloin. This is also an excellent cut for making steak tartare and carpaccio.
Tenderloins have a narrow end and a thick end. To ensure consistency, roasts & steaks are typically cut from the thick end. Roasts can be made from the thin end by cutting the smallest portion off and trussing it to a thicker portion using butcher’s twine. The thin end can also be sliced for beef medallions.

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